Horse Mesa Nov 16

Up onto Horse Mesa from Jacks Canyon trailhead, across to the Fortress, and return down the side of the mesa.
PB170001   HORSE MESA PB170002   The climb up is mostly on the Hot Loop trail PB170003 PB170004
PB170005 PB170006 PB170008   We turn off the trail to continue directly up onto the mesa PB170009
PB170010 PB170011 tonemapped PB170012   Views of Village of Oakcreek open up as we go PB170013
PB170014   Wild Horse Mesa, which got a name of its own when a Western was shot there in 1947, based on the Zane Grey novel PB170015 PB170016 PB170017
PB170018 PB170019 PB170020   A hedgehog cactus PB170021   On top of the mesa, we stay off trail and rockhop
PB170022 tonemapped PB170025 PB170026 PB170028
PB170029   Facing Woods Canyon in the distance, with the Sinagua fortress on the right PB170031   Woods Canyon PB170032 PB170034   Time for lunch
PB170036 PB170037   Now we climb the ruin PB170038 PB170039   The original Sinagua wall aound the base of the fortress
PB170041   From on top, we can look down into Woods Canyon and a watchpoint in the cliffs below PB170042 PB170043 PB170044   A closer look at the watchpoint
PB170045 PB170047   A complex of pit houses PB170048 PB170049 tonemapped
PB170050   Nineteenth-century walls built atop the ruin during the Yavapai-Apace war PB170051 PB170052   Basalt from this old lava flow was quarried for some of the construction PB170053   Climbing to the pictographs nearby
PB170054 PB170057   An elk below, a deer above PB170058 PB170059   Heading back across the mesa
PB170061 tonemapped PB170062 PB170063 PB170066   Starting down
PB170067 PB170069 tonemapped PB170070 PB170071
PB170072 PB170074 PB170075 PB170076
PB170077 PB170078 PB170079 PB170081   Looking down at Pine Valley as our track turns left to a point just out of the picture
PB170084   Courthouse Butte and Cathedral Rock PB170089 PB170090 PB170091
PB170092 PB170093 tonemapped PB170094   A remnant of the Barranca burn PB170095
PB170097 PB170098 PB170099